Rule of intelligent investing.

To invest. Or spend?

Every person who has even one dollar of definitely conceived how to double it. However, the abundance of temptations earn easy money often leads to a fast loss of money and it beats all the desire to continue investing. In order not to lose the money and the desire to invest is enough to observe simple rules.

A simple rule of investment.

  • The first investment must be as much as you not afraid to lose. Do not be greedy.
  • Second. Re-investment is advisable only after the profit. More the right thing to do to reinvest when you got 300 or more percent profit.
So, following these two simple rules, you won't risk losing your capital!
инвестиции в сети интернет

Well. Where to invest?!

Once a person enters the Internet, it falls a stream of ads calling to invest. To log in to a project typically requested very small amounts of money, often even one cent, but usually a dollar. The trick just the idea that throw fifty cents or a dollar people usually do not mind. So. Never fall for the temptation of a small online investment. This is the surest way to lose all your money! To get money from you they can something to pay for a while. This is also done with the aim that you invited someone else to the project. But in the best case, you will receive half of the invested funds. On the Internet a lot of sites, which are presented as trading companies. I once tried to invest in such projects. Yes, I even got very good profit. If anyone remembers, there was a trading company 'AprilCoin'. Website credible, reasonable interest on deposits ( 1% daily ). I do also invite people to this project, a website paid for a long time. I got about 1000% profit in 7 or 8 months... The Project evaporated after one person was signed by me and he has invested money there... :))) This is the fate... I'm still sorry that it closed... It was just PONZI scheme!!! So. All my own experience indicates that you will not be paid until you pay yourself to you! Trade yourself! Read my blog, to learn how! Do not trust your hard-earned money to guys, you never saw and know! They wear different names: ' cloud mining ', ' trading company ', ' money farm ', ' money tree ', and much others... Where someone asks your money, RUN, RUN AWAY!

And finally. Where to get money to invest?

Nowhere on the internet, you can't earn much as soon as you only begin... Patience my friend, patience. Assemble the trifle, wherever you can, look YOURSELF for the ways to invest. Work on bux, surveys, use some soft ( there is some trusted software, which earns itself while you sit here ). Maybe I will write here about... I afraid those soft can become empty, if many people will use it... :))) It happens sometimes.  

Good luck my dear friend! Please come back, to know more!

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